Transportation Contributions

Transportation Contributions have been established by the Reach High Scholars Program to encourage visits to highly resourced colleges within 450 miles of their homes.

The Contributions are for parents, faculty members or friends who drive to any of those colleges with at least two RHSP members, one of whom is not related to the driver, for purposes of an organized tour of the campus and an admissions office presentation. The reimbursements will be at a rate of $0.30 per mile. The Contribution amounts for each of the schools are set out below.

Visits to schools that are more than 200 miles from home will be reimbursed only if the number of students on the trip times the number of schools visited equals at least eight (i.e. four students must visit at least two schools; three students must visit at least three). Not all colleges visited on such a trip need to be more than 200 miles from home.

In many instances it will be possible to combine two schools in a day, which is encouraged. Contributions in such cases will be based on the actual mileage (calculated by Google Maps).

To be reimbursed for a college visit, drivers must submit to Sarah Nelson (, Program Director of RHSP, fully completed, a Liability Release for College Visits for each passenger and a Use of Vehicles in Activities of Reach High Scholars Program for the vehicle, in each case satisfactory in form and substance to the Treasurer.

Payments will be made by check upon receipt of an email to Sarah Nelson, listing the date of the trip; school(s) visited; proof from each school that a campus tour and presentation were attended; name and address of the driver and names of RHS students on the trip.

Transportation Contribution Amounts





Amherst Amherst,MA 125 75.00
Babson Babson Park, MA 75 45.00
Barnard New York, NY 267 160.20
Bates Lewiston, ME 115 69.00
Boston College Newton, MA 78 46.80
Bowdoin Brunswick, ME 105 63.00
Brandeis Waltham, MA 70 42.00
Brown Providence, R.I. 125 75.00
Bryn Mawr Bryn Mawr, PA 376 225.60
Bucknell Louisburg, PA 430 258.00
Colby Waterville, ME 153 91.80
Colgate Hamilton, NY 277 166.20
Columbia New York, NY 267 160.20
Conn College New London, CT 160 96.00
Cornell Ithica, NY 336 201.60
Dartmouth Hanover, NH 90 54.00
Hamilton Clinton, NY 279 167.40
Harvard Cambridge, MA 65 39.00
Haverford Haverford, PA 379 227.40
Hobart Geneva, NY 375 225.00
Holy Cross Worcester, MA 90 54.00
Lafayette Easton, PA 343 205.80
Lehigh Bethlehem, PA 356 213.60
MIT Cambridge, MA 65 39.00
Middlebury Middlebury, VT 155 93.00
Mt. Holyoke So. Hadley, MA 145 87.00
NYU New York, NY 274 164.40
Olin Needham, MA 75 45.00
Princeton Princeton, NJ 323 193.80
Univ. of Penn Philadelphia, PA 374 224.40
Univ. of Rochester Rochester, NY 397 238.20
RPI Troy, NY 167 100.20
Skidmore Saratoga Springs, NY 190 114.00
Smith Northampton, MA 155 93.00
St. Lawrence Canton, NY 328 196.80
Swarthmore Swarthmore, PA 385 231.00
Trinity Hartford, CT 155 93.00
Tufts Medford, MA 61 36.60
Union Schenectady, NY 182 109.20
Vassar Poughkeepsie, NY 248 148.80
Wellesley Wellesley, MA 75 45.00
Wesleyan Middletown, CT 167 100.20
Wheaton Norton, MA 103 61.80
Williams Williamstown, MA 150 90.00
Yale New Haven, CT 190 114.00